
Tuesday 17 December 2019

The top five trips every college student should take

When you are in college, you need to take a break from time to time. We all know that students are already strapped for cash, but you don’t need to stay in a five-star hotel to have a good time. 

All you need is good company and place to rest your head and you have the makings of an epic trip. There are a couple of trips for students that are next level and if you are planning on getting away for a bit, you should consider one of these options. 
Do some volunteering
When you are in the middle of your studies, it is easy to forget that there is a world out there. Going on a volunteering trip is just the breath of fresh air that you need to realize that your situation is not as dire as you think. 
If an assignment is bothering you, you could even get help with assignments for Canadians. It doesn’t matter where you stay. If you are in college, you are one of the lucky few. Visiting and helping out in a place where things are not as grand will quickly put things back into perspective for you. 
It might even inspire you to do even better and give back to a community in need. Privilege is not something to waste and if you take some time to give back, you will realize that there aren’t many things that can uplift you as giving something of yourself for someone who needs it.
Go and explore Canada
Canadians have the reputation of being some of the nicest people on the planet. If you live in a country as picturesque as they, then you would understand why. Going and exploring Canada is one of those trips for students that you won’t forget anytime soon. 
For a trip for student, you’ll want to schedule it for winter as traveling for student is less and Canada is geared for fun in the snow. Take your friends and go and ice skate on one of the many frozen lakes or rivers. 
If you just want to relax, you could opt for one of the more luxury destinations for students and lounge around in front of a fireplace while you are being served.
California coast road trip
If there is one thing that America has, it is space and miles and miles of roads to explore. There are couples that are worth exploring more than others and the California coast is one of them. Get in your car with a couple of friends and hit the road. 
You will struggle to find a stretch of road that is more beautiful and adventurous than this one. This is one of the best trips for students because it is one of the cheapest. You can sleep on the beach or in any of the motels along the route and see some amazing sites along the way. 
Start your trip in Santa Cruz and travel down to San Diego and see sights like Big Sur. Pop in at some of the many vineyards to top up your supplies, but most of all, take in the beauty.
Africa trip
If nature and wildlife is your thing, then there is no better place than Africa. Sure it is wild and you have to have a serious sense of adventure, but you will be treated to sights and sounds unlike anything you have ever experienced. 
There is not nearly enough time in one vacation to explore all of the richness of Africa, so you are going to have to be selective. The best part about a trip to Africa is that it is cheap. 
If you aren’t quite ready to part ways with your luxuries, then you have to go to Cape Town. They have amazing sights and you will live like royalty. The wine is to die for and looking down on the world from Table Mountain is something that everyone has to experience at least once in their lives. 
As far as trips for college students go, Thailand is one of the best places to go, especially around a full moon. Every month, the island of Ko Pha Ngan hosts an all-night party and to say it is wild is an understatement. It is like Mardi Gras every month on the beach. It attracts over 30 000 people with every full moon. 
So, if you are a bit short on time and you want to cram a week’s worth of party into one amazing weekend, then you need only go to Thailand. The people are friendly, the food and drink is cheap and the good times are plentiful.
There are so many places that you can go to as a student. It is not just that you have certain perks and can get along with very little. As a student, you have a freedom that very few other people have. This is the time for you to see the world and all it has to offer, or at least a small glimpse of it all.

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