
Thursday 26 December 2019

Here is what you should definitely know before visiting India

What comes to your mind when you think of India? Majestic Himalayas, warm-hearted Indians, a couple of saints dressed in saffron with long beards, cows on the street, temples, and of course YOGA!
And, the real essence of India is in its chai and indian food. You simply can’t miss Indian food when in India.
But did you know that you need to be well prepared before visiting India? You need to do thorough research on this country. You simply can’t pack your bags one day and be in India the next day. So what are the things that you should know or be prepared before entering India?
I have been to India multiple times, and though I learnt it the hard way, I don’t want you to experience the same ordeal. Let me walk you through some of the things that you should keep in mind when you are planning/packing for your trip to India.
Respect the culture
India is a very religious and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage. You travel 50 kms and you are taken to an entirely different world, with different cultures, different attire, different cuisine and different dialect. BE RESPECTFUL of every place’s culture. It will be better if you are equipped with some prior research of the area you are planning to visit.
Also, dress respectfully. Indians are not very pleased with people from outside their countries wearing short or revealing clothes in their country. They also find it offensive to their culture and values.
Keep the crowd and traffic in mind
India is a big country with a huge population. There is a lot of congestion on roads. You need to keep that in mind when you are calculating the time it would take to reach your destination. Also, just like every other popular tourist destination, India too has busy tourist seasons. You need to be aware of these so as to avoid being stuck in long queues, pay exorbitant prices or just be able to enjoy the real essence of the place.
But, a busy season in South India may not apply to North India. Like winters are really busy for Rajasthan which is in the west, and summers are busy for Himachal Pradesh which is in the north. So again, research will help you stay out of the chaos.
Be on your guard all the time
Scared reading this? Don’t worry, a little caution is what I ask for. You may wonder why. So here is the thing. India is considered not so safe a country for women. So, fellow women travellers, please don’t stay out till late, do not befriend strangers, and dress appropriately.
Second, there is a prevailing poverty in India. So beware of pickpockets and thieves. Hold on tight to your belongings in public places. And NEVER, I repeat never, count your money at public places. Third, beware of shopkeepers or hotel owners trying to con you. STAY ALERT, STAY SAFE!
Dress for varying weather conditions
Since a lot changes in India within a radius of 100 kms, it is advisable to keep handy appropriate clothing. WEAR LAYERS. Keep a jacket with you all the time, so that it’s easy to wear and remove layers.
Also, wear appropriate footwear at all times. One way is to do some prior research and then decide on the footwear. Another way is to wear footwear that is apt for all places and you do not have to worry about anything. For example, you can wear tactical boots all the time so that you do not have to bother about the rough terrains, trails, or hikes through the mountains. However, do keep in mind that it's best to wear flip flops if you are planning to visit a temple that day.
Be mindful of what you eat
As mentioned earlier, you just can’t miss Indian food. You got to try it. The varied spices, taste and flavour is too enticing to give it a miss. But, it is also important to LISTEN TO YOUR STOMACH. Not everyone can digest the spices and flavours of India. SOme may find indian food very spicy or some may end up having an upset stomach. It is always recommended to eat only what suits your stomach.
That’s all! It is not that tough after all. You just need to keep these factors in mind and you are set to go. But believe me when I say that the visit will be rewarding in the end. And as the old adage goes ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ same goes for India. You can thank me later for this piece of advice!

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