
Monday 4 November 2019

STR: Canada Q3 2019 hotel performance

HENDERSONVILLE, TENNESSEE — The Canadian hotel industry reported mostly negative year-over-year results in the three key performance metrics during the third quarter of 2019, according to data from STR. 

Compared with Q3 2018
Occupancy: -2.0% to 76.3%
Average daily rate (ADR): +0.4% to CAD183.39
Revenue per available room (RevPAR): -1.5% to CAD139.85
August, historically Canada’s peak performance month, was the top month of the quarter in absolute values: occupancy (79.0%), ADR (CAD185.25) and RevPAR (CAD146.42).
Among the provinces and territories, New Brunswick registered the largest jump in RevPAR (+4.1% to CAD112.59), due to the largest lift in ADR (+5.0% to CAD141.81).
Newfoundland and Labrador experienced the highest rise in occupancy (+2.3% to 72.8%) but the steepest drops in ADR (-6.2% to CAD141.72) and RevPAR (-4.1% to CAD103.21).
Manitoba reported the next steepest decline in RevPAR (-4.0% to CAD89.38) because of the largest drop in occupancy (-3.2% to 72.5%).  

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