
Friday 22 November 2019

Seamless travel and airport security at the Border Security Conference 2020

Airports are increasingly turning to seamless travel initiatives in order to help secure borders and increase passenger satisfaction. Seamless travel will therefore be a key focus at next year’s Border Security Conference, taking place on the 11th and 12th February, in Rome, Italy.

The conference serves as a leading event for industry professional and government officials from around the world.
Featuring presentations discussing the impact of technologies, such as AI and Automated Recognition, and seamless travel initiatives, which aim to secure borders and increase passenger satisfaction.
Presentations on Airport Security:
  1.  Effective Border Risk Management at Our International Airports and The Role of Emerging Technologies Specifically Facial Recognition Systems Presented by Mr Christopher Maston, Port Director, Miami International Airport, Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  2. Recent Advances in Automated Recognition at The Border Presented by Mr Marek Rejman-Greene, Director, Identity for Services
  3.  Biometric Exit USA: LH Perspective Presented by Mr Patrick Sgueglia, Product Manager Regulatory, Lufthansa
  4. Profiling, Targeting and Real Time Operational Communication at Airports in The Global South to Fight Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism Presented by Ms Cecile Plunet, AIRCOP Global Coordinator, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  5. Title TBC Presented by Ms Keri Phoenix, Manager Innovative Travel Solutions, Vancouver Airport Authority
  6. Implementation of BorderXpress in Cyprus Presented by Mr Yiannis Harpas, Senior Manager Operations, Pafos Airport, Hermes Airports Ltd
Additionally, the main conference is supported by a market leading workshop with a focus on “Countering Emerging Threats in Document and Identity Verification in Border Security” taking place on the 10th February, led by Professor James Ferryman, Project Coordinator, PROTECT.

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