
Friday 22 November 2019

RevitUP revenue catalyst showcased at 100% Hotel Show

EyeWide Digital Hotel Marketing and Cyprus-based Plarino Hotel Management Services unveiled RevitUP to conference attendees this past week. 

RevitUP received visitors at its booth at 100% Hotel Show November 15-18 at Athens’ MEC Paianias Exhibition Center. EyeWide and Plarino engaged in a joint venture to focus bespoke digital hotel expertise through one-of-a-kind data tools that will create a unique hotel revenue enhancement. 
One of the industry’s first modular revenue services, RevitUP deploys a complex of hotel marketing and sales strategies coalesced through proprietary data tools created to simplify and enhance the triumvirate of marketing, revenue, and sales management tasks. When asked about the positive revenue boost RevitUP ultimately provides hotel clients, Plarino’s Director of Business Development Nikos Giokas replied: 
The 18 benchmark hotel portfolio clients we plugged into the RevitUP system have seen bottom-line increases across the board. We have managed to generate more than €12 million in revenue for these clients.
In the past, hotel operations generally relied on one agency for expertise in marketing and a separate internal or external entity for sales management expertise. The collaboration between EyeWide and Plarino melds these two areas of expertise into one focused through the amplifying data lense of bespoke tools. The end service is akin to laser focusing on best-case revenue generation practice. Lefteris Vantarakis, owner of Anemos Luxury Grand Resort on Crete, had this to say about RevitUP’s value for his resorts:  
What RevitUP brings to the industry is a holistic approach that no other company we’ve seen offers. This solves a big point of pain for us since we’ve already maxed out efficiency by conventional means. We’re excited to see the long term revenue gains from this service.”
The 100% Hotel Show brought together 200 selected exhibitors that provide solutions for hotels. The exhibition also featured the 100% Hotel Design Awards, Hotel Workshops, and a series of events for Hoteliers & Villa Owners.  
RevitUP is a leading-edge revenue enhancement service, which applies time tested multidisciplinary expertise amplified by state-of-the-art technology. The holistic approach of the service streamlines and simplifies the marketing/sales effort, and improves hotel profitability. The dynamic nature of the platform ensures client hotels long term stability and performance across all booking channels.

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