
Saturday 12 October 2019

Hotelbeds certified carbon neutral for second consecutive year

PALMA - Hotelbeds has announced that it has been certified for the second consecutive year as a Carbon Neutral Organisation by Cabon Fooprint Ltd, 
an independent body that accredits carbon management measurements and best practices for businesses, by offsetting companies CO2 emissions.
This prestigious accreditation reflects Hotelbeds’ commitment to reduce its environmental impact and ensure long-term sustainability by offsetting its carbon emissions generated in the past two years.
Due to business travel being one of Hotelbeds’ larger carbon emissions factor, during 2018 the company created a programme whereby a small fee is charged per business flight taken by employees. This money is then used to finance the carbon neutral project and also forms part of a desire to encourage a reduction in travel and increase company and employee awareness around the importance of carbon offsetting.
In 2018 the funds raised from this programme were donated to the Portel-Para Deforestation Project, which is located within Brazil’s Amazon, the largest remaining rainforest on our planet, to prevent unplanned deforestation.
For 2019 Hotelbeds has chosen to give the funds to the Renewable Energy Project in India, that manages the installation of solar panels in the country, ensuring energy security, diversification of energy sources and sustainable development in the generation of electricity in India.
As part of the certification process, carbon emission calculations, including energy and paper consumptions, waste management, business travel and water supply, were completed by Hotelbeds, using metrics devised by Carbon Footprint Ltd, the sustainability experts.
Carbon Footprint Ltd has also successfully completed a verification of the carbon footprint assessment for Hotelbeds Group. This included spot-checking source data from across the group as well as reviewing the overall methodology.
Teresa Laso, who leads Corporate Sustainability at Hotelbeds, says: “We are proud to have been certified a Carbon Neutral Organisation for a second consecutive year as it underscores our sustainable business outlook."
As part of this responsibility, an environmental policy has been developed that includes a commitment to tackle these emissions, including setting annual emissions reduction targets. We have also developed guidelines and a communication campaign to help employees implement the new environmental policy, including practical tips on how to reduce environmental consumption at work and to raise awareness of climate change and how it relates to Hotelbeds."
As leaders in the travel industry we wanted to be at the forefront of environmental consciousness, inspiring both other companies and even individual travelers, reducing what we can and offsetting the rest.”

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