
Friday 25 October 2019

Ecuador returns to normality after days of protest

QUITO - After 12 days of protests and road closures in Ecuador, mainly concentrated in Quito, the Government and indigenous leaders directing the demonstrations came to an agreement on Sunday, October 13 to immediately end the national strike.

Although the protests affected many services and business, the Quito International Airport remained operational throughout the days of unrest to ensure the city's air connectivity, safely serving a higher passenger flow due to cancelled or delayed flights and early arrivals of travelers to the air terminal. Most of the flights planned during the days of protest were canceled by the airlines due to the restriction of movement to and from the city of Quito.
Corporacion Quiport worked closely with all institutions and airlines present at the airport, and served passengers at the airport terminal free food and beverages to make their stay more comfortable. Airport staff offered logistics support reserving and reaching hotels and hostels near the airport and issued sleeping bags for those who chose to wait within airport facilities. Similarly, the airport's medical center was prepared and equipped to meet any health needs of passengers and employees.
Quito and Ecuador are back to normal, schools are back in session and businesses, large and small, have opened their doors once more. Peace has returned and Ecuador is ready to diligently work for increased prosperity, economic and social growth. 
Andrew O'Brian, President and CEO of Quiport explained that “Ecuador continues to be the welcoming destination that the world knows, full of friendly people, history and tradition and keeper of unique natural and cultural treasures. The Quito International Airport is ready to receive our visitors.”
Ecuador, the country of the four worlds - coastal lowlands, Andes mountains, Amazon jungle and Galapagos islands - opens its arms as its hardworking people continue to strive for peace and prosperity.   

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