
Friday 6 September 2019

Three things to consider when moving across an international border

Moving to a new country is an exciting journey. There is a certain rush that comes with relocating, especially to an entirely new place. When you start your first day in a new
country, it feels like an adventure no matter what you’re doing.
Although moving to a new country is exciting, it’s a huge hassle if you don’t prepare. This is especially true if you’re moving out of your home country. So we’ve come up with a list of three essential things to consider before you pack up your home and relocate. 
1) How will you get your stuff there?
First and foremost: when you move, you need to figure out how you’re taking your things with you. Moving across an international border that’s land-based can be easy: simply drive across the border with the proper documents. However, if you need to cross a sea or air border, or if the land based drive is just too far, consider shipping your stuff separately. 
Shipping the contents of their home might not be ideal. However, shipping is an affordable and accessible solution for those who are moving across international borders. Whether you use airfreight, or a traditional shipping container on a boat, transporting your stuff is much less taxing. 
However, you need to make sure that you do it under all laws and procedures you need to follow. Every single country in the world will have rules about what you can take in or out of its borders. Check in with both your departing and arrival country’s embassy, to clear up what exactly is OK to take. 
If all this feels overwhelming, just remember you’re not alone. Tons of people move across international borders every day and often offer their own advice about their experiences. Take for example, this guide to shipping to Australia from New Zealand. This guide, and tons of others, are available online as free resources to you. 
2) What will you miss from home?
Next on the list to consider: what you might miss from home when you relocate? What’s considered commonplace where you’re from that might be a delicacy where you’re headed? 
Is there anything that will change in your diet when you move? And can you bring a good supply of some of your favorite treats to at least tide you until you find new favourites?
Of course, you might not know what you’ll miss until you leave, so avoid this by making a list of your favourite customs in your home country. If you’ve got kids, it’s especially important to stock up on some of their favourite treats and entertainment. They might be homesick, and they’ll need to adjust slowly to their new environment.  
3) Are there any things to note about your visa?
Lastly, it’s important to double and triple check everything with your visa. Being aware of anything that might affect your move is important. Otherwise, you could be prevented from entering after paying for the move!
Each country has its own rules and regulations. It never hurts to know exactly what you’re facing, and be highly aware of what you need to do to keep your visa and stay above board. 
Before you move…
Remember that moving to anywhere in the world that’s not “home” can seem daunting, but it’s a much easier process if you give yourself months to get ready. If you’re trying to have a stress-free move, impulsive decisions are not the way to go. Do your research, stick to the plan, keep a level head, keep calm, and have fun! 

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